Friday, September 25, 2020

Welcome back students and staff ... at long last

 As we wrap up the second full week of school, I want to share how proud I am of our teachers, staff, students, Watervliet parents and families. It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t without obstacles and it wasn’t perfect – but I thank you for taking that leap of faith as we re-opened our schools a little more than two weeks ago. Your patience, support, and flexibility is appreciated more than you know.

After a LONG six months it is rewarding to have students (and teachers!) back in our buildings, and it is encouraging to see them settling almost seamlessly into the school routine, and adjusting well to the new “normal,” which includes the wearing of face coverings/masks.  

A reminder for our students and families to complete and submit the daily health screening/COVID-19 attestation each day before boarding a school bus or entering school buildings. Staff, too, must complete the screening/attestation. We are required to report this data to the New York State Department of Health daily, so your cooperation is extremely important.

The challenges are far from over. We are by no means through the woods with this pandemic. That is why we all – students, families, teachers and staff – must remain vigilant in our prevention efforts. I strongly encourage our students, staff, families and parents to continue to practice frequent hand washing, maintain social distancing (staying at least six feet apart from others), and wear masks outside of the regular school day. Let’s continue to all work together and do all we can to ensure our schools can stay open.

While I am on the subject of health ‒  parents ‒ please make sure your children’s immunizations are up to date! Students who are not immunized cannot attend school either in person or remotely. If you have any questions about immunization requirements for attending school, please consult your child’s doctor, or call our school nurses for information. Also, remember that Whitney Young’s School Based Health Center is available to our students for immunizations. The school based health center is located in the Watervliet Jr.-Sr. High School. Call 518-629-3270 or 518-629-3271 for information.  

One more piece of school health-related news to share: This week, we welcomed our most recent hire, Racheal Thomas who will serve as the new school nurse at Watervliet Jr.-Sr. High School. Racheal is a registered nurse who has engaged in a variety of healthcare roles from urgent care for St. Peter’s Health Partners to nursing supervisor/registered nurse for the New York State Department of Corrections to volunteer experience with Red Cross disaster relief. Welcome Racheal!

Be on the Lookout for Second Teaching & Learning Waiver

About 40% of our students from prekindergarten to grade 12 opted for remote learning when school began on Sept. 9. As we approach the 5-week mark in the first quarter marking period, parents will have an opportunity to rethink their options. Some may decide they want to return to the classroom in-person, while others may want to continue with or opt for remote learning. Please contact your building principal if you have any questions.  A Teaching & Learning Waiver is being distributed to families via One Call Now email and will be posted on the district’s website. If parents are making a change in their child’s status from remote to in-person learning or vice versa, the waiver must be submitted by October 2. After that, remote learners will be bound by their decision until the end of the marking period.

Athletics update

For those of us who follow high school athletics closely, you may be aware that the Colonial Council recently decided to delay the start of many sports traditionally offered in the fall to March 2021. The hiatus includes high contact sports, such as football and volleyball, as well as more moderate impact sports, including soccer and Cross-Country track. While we understand the disappointment felt by our student athletes, we recognize that the health, safety and well-being of our students and coaching staff is the priority. Our Athletics Department will share further news and updates as they become available.

Finally, I have witnessed strength, determination and grit in this school community during the past several months and can say with confidence that we will get through this together and come out stronger. Every student, every day!